Tree lined streets and unique, craftsman homes characterize this quaint, middle-class neighborhood. Built on the second, taller hill that rises behind Capitol Hill, The Hill neighborhood provides the backdrop to the north side of the city. A literal city on a hill, this neighborhood appears to be an urban paradise. Beneath the surface, however, The Hill is built on the same foundation of humanity as any other community.
The Hill
Established 1873
History of The Hill
The Swenson family homesteaded on the backside of The Hill, founding a Scandinavian community near where Walleye Pondere had established his trading post. Several other Swedish families homesteaded near them, and a group of Norwegians settled into the area a couple miles north. The Swedes and the Norwegians established respective Lutheran Churches. Throughout the final decades of the nineteenth century, the Lutheran congregations of The Hill continued to fracture and split, creating a multitude of micro-communities within the single, predominantly Scandinavian settlement.1852-1894: Competing Forms of Civilization - Government, Business, and Industry1884
The rural communities that stretched around the northwestern corner of Central City, encompassing the area that would become the neighborhoods of Long Beach, The Heights, Waite Park, and The Hill, incorporated as Jefferson Township. 1852-1894: Competing Forms of Civilization - Government, Business, and Industry1920
By 1920, The Hill had become a bedroom community for people who worked in Midtown, Uptown, or Downtown. CC State Faculty members, office workers, bankers, doctors, insurance agents, lawyers, and industry executives painted Anglo-Saxon names on their mail boxes in what had long been an area dominated by Scandinavian farmers.1894-1950 Development of Standards, Tradition, and Expectation1932
Central City Annexed Jefferson Township, a municipal government that served the rural areas that would become The Hill, Waite Park, The Heights, and Long Beach. This act created the modern boundary of Central City. 1894-1950 Development of Standards, Tradition, and Expectation1950’s
By the 1950’s, the old divisions between communities disappeared as the price of land overshadowed forgotten disputes. Housing developments absorbed the farmland closest to Midtown, and Uptown expanded ever westward.
1950-1980: Counterculture